How AI is Building Trust and Empowering Patients

Despite widespread recognition of the link between oral health and overall well-being, many Americans avoid regular dental checkups. This disconnect between awareness and action leads to untreated cavities, gum disease, and a burden on the healthcare system. However, a recent VideaHealth survey offers a promising solution: dental AI.

The Oral Health Gap: Awareness vs. Action

The VideaHealth survey of over 1,000 adults revealed a concerning trend. While 94% acknowledged the importance of oral health, 30% admitted to infrequent dental visits. Cost (53%) was the primary deterrent, followed by fear (28%) and perceived lack of urgency (18%). These findings highlight the need for strategies to bridge this gap and encourage preventive care.

Dental AI: A Game-Changer for Early Detection and Trust

VideaHealth sees dental AI as a key to unlocking better oral health outcomes. By integrating AI into their network of over 20,000 dental professionals, they aim to empower both dentists and patients.

Beyond the Naked Eye: AI's Diagnostic Advantage

Dental AI goes beyond traditional examinations, analyzing X-rays with exceptional precision. Trained to identify subtle abnormalities like decay and bone loss, AI offers a valuable second opinion for dentists.

Early Intervention, Improved Outcomes

VideaHealth's rollout of dental AI to supported practices has shown promising results. Industry data indicates a significant increase in the early detection of dental issues, enabling earlier intervention and potentially preventing more serious problems down the line.

Building Trust Through Transparency

The VideaHealth survey also revealed a common issue: patient skepticism towards dental diagnoses. However, the prospect of AI-assisted diagnostics changed the equation. With AI helping identify potential issues, 59% of respondents expressed greater trust in their dentist's recommendations. This trust-building is further enhanced by dentists using AI to visually explain findings to patients, fostering transparency and encouraging treatment acceptance.

Empowering Patients, Transforming Care

Dental AI is not just about early detection; it's about empowering patients. By visually demonstrating potential issues and the reasoning behind treatment recommendations, dentists can overcome patient hesitation and encourage preventive care. This translates to a healthier population and potentially reduced costs for both patients and the healthcare system.

A Look to the Future: A Healthier Population

VideaHealth views dental AI as a critical tool in addressing the national oral health crisis. Beyond early detection and cost savings, dental AI empowers dentists to close the action gap, transforming oral healthcare delivery and promoting healthier communities for the future.

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