Morelli Interdental Clean Brushes Refill 6pcs Cylindrical Small

SKU: MO-78-01-101

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Morelli Interdental Clean Brushes Refill 6pcs Cylindrical Small
Morelli Interdental Clean Brushes Refill 6pcs Cylindrical Small
$4.07/ea $0.00

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Morelli Interdental Brush Refills are an excellent choice for plaque control, especially for those who wear dentures or have gaps between their teeth. They excel at removing plaque around orthodontic brackets because they are designed to reach difficult spaces. The refills are available in three sizes: cylindrical (Small), cylindrical (Medium), and conical (Large), allowing for the best fit in various interproximal spaces.


  • Cleaning the interproximal spaces and removing the plaque from the bracket sides.
  • Intended to access difficult-to-reach areas.


  • Especially beneficial for those who wear dentures or have gaps between their teeth.
  • Excellent for cleaning around orthodontic brackets.
  • Ensures an optimal fit in a variety of interproximal spaces.
  • Encourages and maintains good oral hygiene.

6 pcs in each pack

  • Polyethylene
Package contents:
  • Morelli Interdental Brush Refills
Units in a box:


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