Dentaurum High-Pull Headgear With Chin Cap

SKU: DT-744-709-00

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Dentaurum High-Pull Headgear With Chin Cap
Dentaurum High-Pull Headgear With Chin Cap
$117.00/ea $0.00

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Dentaurum High-Pull Headgear With Chin Cap introduces a new standard in extraoral force applications. It outperforms competitors by preventing accidental face bow dislodging thanks to traction modules on cervical pads and high-pull headgear. Excessive pulling force causes automatic separation, which prevents whip-back. Convenience is ensured by the ease with which the patient or parent can reassemble the device. One type which is suitable for all head and chin sizes. With rigid chin cap and short outer hooks, air permeable


  • For early treatment of Angle Class III
  • With cross-bite tendency of single or all anterior teeth


  • Suitable for all head and chin sizes.
  • The connector line runs between the tip of the chin and temporomandibular joint

  • Denim
Package contents:
  • Dentaurum High-Pull Headgear With Chin Cap

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