The Polymax 5 is the solution for dental resin polymerization. This solid pressure polymerization unit is made for both cold and hot polymerization. It is made to be receptive for one large articulator, three brass flasks with clamp, and four Castdon flasks. Equipped with a 90-minute timer, the Polymax 5 allows for precise control over the polymerization process. With a temperature range of up to 95 °C, this unit can be adjusted continuously to meet the specific requirements of different resins. You can achieve optimal results every time, regardless of the type of resin you are using. One of the standout features of the Polymax 5 is its variably adjustable pressure. This allows you to fine-tune the pressure according ensuring results every time. The unit can also be used as a pressure compressor, providing even more flexibility and convenience.
It ensures the efficient and effective curing of resins, resulting in strong and durable dental restorations.