DIP CeraFix is used for intraoral immediate repairs of ceramic and porcelain restorations. It is a reliable solution for repairing cracked or chipped crowns and bridges, indicating a very high restoration strength and highly aesthetic results. DIP CeraFix provides a cost-effective solution to extend the lifespan of porcelain crowns and bridges.
- Conditioning of the ceramic veneers and glass-fiber posts
- Surface preparation for optimal bonding of the porcelain veneers
- Aesthetic repair of fractured porcelain crowns
- Surface preparation of porcelain crowns and inlays before cementation
Features and benefits:
- Immediate intraoral repairs of ceramic and porcelain restorations
- Enhanced durability - Ensures long-lasting repairs for ceramic and porcelain restorations, minimizing the need for frequent replacements
- Time-saving - Enables quick intraoral repairs, reducing chair time and increasing practice efficiency
- Versatility - Suitable for various indications, including conditioning of ceramic veneers, surface preparation for optimal bonding of porcelain veneers, aesthetic repair of fractured porcelain crowns, and surface preparation of porcelain crowns and inlays before cementation
- Improved aesthetics - Restores the natural appearance of teeth with seamless repairs, enhancing patient satisfaction and confidence Cost-effectiveness - Helps in extending the lifespan of porcelain crowns and bridges, resulting in cost savings for both the dental practice and the patient
DIP CeraFix Full Kit includes:
Porcelain Etching bottle 5ml- Based on 9% hydrofluoric acid. Specifically designed to etch fractured dental porcelain, such as veneers, crowns, and inlays. Can also be used in orthodontics for etching porcelain crowns before bonding.
Protective Dam Gel syringe 5ml- A buffered, gelled acid barrier/neutralizer protects soft tissues and adjacent restorations by neutralizing acid etchants upon contact. The bright orange color provides high contrast against tissues and acid etchants.
Primer Adhesive bottle 5ml - Universal light-cured bonding with an ethanol solvent carrier. Ideal for direct and indirect bonding procedures and repairs of composite, metal, zirconia, and porcelain restorations.
Opaque Masking syringe 3ml- Light-cured, methacrylate-based, composite pigment, with an average particle size of 0.7μm and a low film thickness. It is strong and wear-resistant and is effective at masking metal surfaces and natural dentine color imitations.
Applicator needle/Mixing Accessories
DIP CeraFix Mini Kit includes:
Porcelain Etching syringe 5ml- Based on 9% hydrofluoric acid. Specifically designed to etch fractured dental porcelain, such as veneers, crowns, and inlays. Can also be used in orthodontics for etching porcelain crowns before bonding.
Protective Dam Gel syringe 5ml- A buffered, gelled acid barrier/neutralizer protects soft tissues and adjacent restorations by neutralizing acid etchants upon contact. The bright orange color provides high contrast against tissues and acid etchants.
Applicator needle/Mixing Accessories
Package includes Cera-fix set for selection