
Surgical Kits

37 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 37 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 37 products
DSI Implant Positioning Guides And Pins (SD-IPO refill)DSI Implant Positioning Guides And Pins (SD-IPO refill)
DSI Bone and Gums Trephine and Tissue Punch KitDSI Bone and Gums Trephine and Tissue Punch Kit
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DSI RS Kit For Narrow Alveolar Ridge Split with ChiselsDSI RS Kit For Narrow Alveolar Ridge Split with Chisels
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DSI Bone Multi System Ridge Spreading Bone Expansion KitDSI Bone Multi System Ridge Spreading Bone Expansion Kit
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DSI Bone Spreader Kit For Alveolar Ridge Split and ExpansionDSI Bone Spreader Kit For Alveolar Ridge Split and Expansion
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DSI C&L Sinus Kit Crestal and Lateral Sinus Lifting ApproachesDSI C&L Sinus Kit Crestal and Lateral Sinus Lifting Approaches
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DSI Crestal Pro Kit For Sinus Membrane RaiseDSI Crestal Pro Kit For Sinus Membrane Raise
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DSI Osteotome R-Kit For Bone Condensing and Sinus LiftingDSI Osteotome R-Kit For Bone Condensing and Sinus Lifting
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DSI Osteotome S-Kit For Bone Condensing and Sinus LiftingDSI Osteotome S-Kit For Bone Condensing and Sinus Lifting
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DSI Surgical Stop Drill Kit For Sinus Lifting ProcedureDSI Surgical Stop Drill Kit For Sinus Lifting Procedure
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DSI Toca Kit For Crestal Approach Sinus Lifting TechniqueDSI Toca Kit For Crestal Approach Sinus Lifting Technique
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DSI Tola-2 Sinus Lift Kit For Lateral Open Sinus Lifting SurgeryDSI Tola-2 Sinus Lift Kit For Lateral Open Sinus Lifting Surgery
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DSI Total Sinus KitDSI Total Sinus Kit
Sale price$1,149.50
DSI Total Sinus Kit
No reviews
In stock, 4 units
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DSI IPO Implant Guide-less Kit for Planning and PositioningDSI IPO Implant Guide-less Kit for Planning and Positioning
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DSI NLBC Bone Collector Kit For Augmentation ProceduresDSI NLBC Bone Collector Kit For Augmentation Procedures
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DSI TOP Osteotomy Drill Kit For Implant SurgeryDSI TOP Osteotomy Drill Kit For Implant Surgery
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DSI One Drilling System Kit For Implant Osteotomy PreparationDSI One Drilling System Kit For Implant Osteotomy Preparation
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DSI Pilot Starter Mini Drill Kit For ImplantsDSI Pilot Starter Mini Drill Kit For Implants
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DSI Surgical Implant Kit Drill Refill Most-used Stepped DrillsDSI Surgical Implant Kit Drill Refill Most-used Stepped Drills
Sale price$299.90 Regular price$330.00
DSI Surgical Implant Kit Drill Refill Most-used Stepped Drills
No reviews
In stock, 8 units
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