DIP anchor fixation screw designed for installation and stabilization of a surgical guide appliance in the patient's mouth. It can be used for both the maxilla and mandible and fit a wide range of different surgical guide types. Best to use in completely edentulous cases when there are no other anchor points to stabilize the surgical guide.
The main application of the anchor screw is to stabilize the surgical guide inside the patient's mouth. Additionally, the anchor screw can be used for reconstruction GBR procedures replacing a tenting screw, and stabilizing a membrane.
DIP anchor screw is made of biocompatible titanium alloy. It has a self-tapping body and self-piercing tip to facilitate fast placement without drilling. It also does not require any special instruments and can be installed with a regular abutment driver Ø1.25mm hexagon connection.
- Biocompatible - made of titanium
- Self-tapping body
- Self-piercing tip
- Universal hexagonal (abutment) connection Ø1.25mm
- Can be used for both the maxilla and mandible
- Fit a wide range of different surgical guide types
- Installation and stabilization of custom surgical guide
- Fixation of membranes and mesh plates in GBR
- Can be used as a tenting screw
- Best to use in completely edentulous cases such as all-on-x when there are no other anchor points to stabilize the surgical guide
- Universal - can be used for a wide assortment of surgical guides and GBR as a tenting screw
- Perfect anchor point - incredibly stable and accurate
- Biocompatible
- Easy insertion and extraction with no need for drilling
Technical Information:
- Material: Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V grade 23 ELI
- Head diameter: 2.75 mm
- Body diameter: 2.0 mm
- Hexagon connection diameter: 1.25mm (regular abutment)
- Head length: 3.0 mm
- Body length: 10.5 mm
- Self-tapping body & self-piercing tip
Package includes 1 anchor screw