DIP UltraSil Light Body is an advanced A-silicone VPS product known for its quick-setting properties and enhanced hydrophilicity. This lightweight mousse flows evenly when applied to the occlusal surface and stays in place without deformation. It features a medium viscosity, ideal for capturing precise details. Its ultra hydrophilic formula performs excellently in moist oral environments, setting rapidly in just 2 minutes and 30 seconds. DIP UltraSil Light Body is perfect for taking impressions of inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, and dentures. It is particularly effective in dual-phase techniques, where it is applied to the prepared tooth and surrounding soft tissues.
Chemically engineered for exceptional accuracy, DIP UltraSil Light Body consistently delivers detailed and precise impressions. Once set, the material becomes extremely hard, preserving fine details without compression or flexing. Thanks to its excellent elastic memory, the impressions can be stored for up to 30 days. With superior flow characteristics under pressure, it ensures thorough surface coverage. DIP UltraSil Light Body guarantees outstanding batch-to-batch consistency, providing predictable results every time.
- Crown and bridge impressions
- Inlays and Onlays
- Implant abutment impressions
- Full and partial denture impressions
- Partial denture impressions
Features & Benefits:
- Quick setting time - Sets in just 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
- Enhanced hydrophilicity - Performs well in wet oral environments
- Even flow and stability - Flows evenly and stays in place without deforming
- Medium viscosity - Ideal for capturing precise details
- Versatile applications - Suitable for inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, and dentures
- Dual-phase technique - Effective when applied to prepped teeth and soft tissues
- High accuracy - Delivers detailed and precise impressions consistently
- Extreme hardness - Material becomes very hard once set, preserving fine details
- Elastic memory - Impressions can be stored for up to 30 days without losing accuracy or deforming
- Excellent flow characteristics - Ensures thorough surface coverage under pressure
- Batch-to-Batch consistency - Provides predictable results every time
Technical Information:
Mixing time – 0 (automix)
Working time – 60 seconds
Hardening time (inside the mouth) – 150 seconds
Recommended mouth removal time – 3 minutes
Dimensional change – ≤0.3%
Compression set – ≤0.4%
- Strain in compression – 3.5%
Package includes 2 Automix cartridges 50ml each