DIP Analog Technical Handle is a dental tool used to create a replica of a patient's dental implant. The difference with a "regular" implant analog is that this tool is not intended to be poured inside the dental model, but rather to be handheld.
This opens many opportunities for dental lab technicians, with 360-degree freedom access to crown/prosthetic restoration, which is inserted into the handle.
This analogue handle is compatible with various implant systems, such as AB, Alpha bio, MIS, Adin, Cortex, Surcam, Paltop, and Zimmer. It is made for laboratory work and is particularly useful for checking the stability of the implant structure.
The inner hexagon of the handle has a diameter of 2.42mm. The handle is made of high-quality stainless steel that provides a stable and comfortable working grip.
To replicate the exact position of a patient's dental implant, providing a clear and detailed view of the implant as it exists in the mouth.
- Made by taking an impression of the patient’s teeth and implants
- Creates a copy that precisely shows the anatomy of the implant as it exists in the patient’s mouth
- Compatible with a variety of implants such as AB, AlphaBio, MIS, Adin, Cortex, Surcam, Paltop, and Zimmer
- Standard platform implant image for laboratory work
- Convenient to use
- The inner hexagon is 2.42 mm
- High-quality stainless steel
- Provides a stable and comfortable grip
- Ensures accurate and precise implant placement
- It saves time and effort by providing a replica of the implant's position
- Compatible with multiple implant systems
- Ideal for laboratory work
- Easy to use and convenient for checking the stability of the implant structure
- Precise handling and stability during procedures
- Easy to clean, made of hardened steel for a long-lasting use